
Westfield Good Festival inspires for sustainability | Westfieldrise

Westfield Good Festival inspires for sustainability

  • 1.5-week event in all Westfield destinations
  • Numerous presentation options for brands
  • Accompanying media and online campaigns

“Become the reference of the year for sustainability in retail”: the Westfield Good Festival, which was held in parallel at Westfield Centro, Westfield Donau Zentrum and Westfield Shopping City Süd at the beginning of April 2024 – and in all 35 other Westfield destinations in Europe and the US – was as ambitious as its motto. The annual centre event aims to inspire visitors to live more sustainably and shows the steps retailers and brands are taking to have a favourable impact on ecological change. It also involves a host of promotions.

As part of the 1.5-week event, brands were able to design and implement their own experientials – to show what they are doing for sustainability. The programme included sustainability workshops, second-hand fashions, exciting discussions with climate specialists, inspiration and tips for a more sustainable lifestyle, culinary activities to reduce food waste and a preference for local products. Accompanying media campaigns were also used to draw yet more attention to the happenings. Advertising space on the destinations’ websites and social media channels complemented the event online and ensured even greater reach.

Festival Area with big-name exhibitors

A festival area with a stage and stands was set up in the promotion areas in each of the centres – naturally dominated by sustainable materials and decorated in shades of green. An inspiring setting for visitors wanting to find out more about conscious shopping and looking to learn from best practice.

One of the exhibitors at Westfield Centro and Westfield Shopping City Süd was L’Oréal Luxe. The cosmetics company organised a refill campaign for fragrance bottles of its umbrella brand, including the latest creation MYSLF by Yves Saint Laurent. Clothing manufacturer C&A exhibited its collection of sustainably produced essentials and conducted a creative embroidery campaign. Café Royal promoted CoffeeB, its compostable, plastic-free coffee balls.

Yet another special highlight attracted a great number of interested visitors: this year, the Westfield Good Festival in Germany and Austria presented the winner of the Community’s Choice Award of the regional Westfield Grand Prix, CleanlyEco. The company produces sustainable laundry sheets that have already won several sustainability awards.

Colourful mix of hands-on activities

The full programme also included numerous hands-on activities ranging from live cookery demonstrations and fair markets to craft workshops where interested parties could learn how to make things like soap bars. The events provided plenty of inspiration on how even small things can make everyday life more sustainable, and offered the participating brands an ideal opportunity to position themselves appropriately.

The crowds were huge in all three destinations and on all event days. Numerous curious visitors bustled around the promotion areas, browsed through the stands and got creative themselves during the promotions. A sustainable experience in every respect.

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