Grüß’ Gott, Austria
Our Commercial Partnerships team has grown – and that twice over. Since mid 2021, the two top retail destinations in Austria have been part of our portfolio: the Westfield Donau Zentrum and the Westfield Shopping City Süd in Vienna. As a result, the team has also become larger. Our German and Austrian marketing experts now work together as a creative “powerhouse”. The merger has caused great joy in our Düsseldorf office and the amount of Kaiserschmarrn consumed in the metropolis on the Rhine has increased dramatically.
For Nathalie Lohaus, Head of Commercial Partnerships, “Servus” and “Griaß di” have by now become part of day-to-day vocabulary. She reveals what’s behind the team merger: “By combining our forces, we want to further improve our services – in Germany and in Austria.”
Even more flagship destinations to choose from.
For our customers, this means: they have an even greater choice of centres and communication will be more homogeneous. “This will make it even easier for them to plan great promotions throughout the German-speaking region with their usual contacts,” adds Nathalie. By the way: if you want some inspiration on how this can look, take a look at our Best Cases! Companies like Aldi Süd and Dyson, for example, have already had unforgettable promotions in several centres.
In the future, we would like to plan many more such unique campaigns. So feel free to contact us! With this in mind:
Servus and Baba