“Giving blood and shopping – that goes together!”
People actually go shopping and for a stroll at the Westfield Ruhr Park Bochum – one of the most renowned shopping centers in Germany. But since the end of July there is another good reason to visit the 125,000 square meter area: the new “pop-up blood donation” of the DRK (German Red Cross) Blutspendedienst West.
There are indeed more pleasant activities than queuing in front of a store at noon in the sun at 30 degrees Celsius. For this to happen, stars or starlets usually have to be on site or unique products are on offer. Since the end of July, another, at least just as important reason has been added to the Westfield Ruhr Park Bochum: Saving lives. This is because the first ever Germany-wide “pop-up blood donation” by the DRK Blood Donation Service West allows up to six people to have their vital body fluid extracted at the same time, thus helping other people who are dependent on the donation due to illness, surgery or an accident.