Makers of Moments

From adrenaline rush to culinary delights | Westfieldrise
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From adrenaline rush to culinary delights

18 | 07 | 24

 The Rheinkirmes funfair in Düsseldorf in July is one highlight of the year the gang never misses, and anticipation was running particularly high this year, with quality time beckoning for the entire gang (including new members), providing plenty of fun and unforgettable moments. Pair that with fast fairground rides, tasty food and live music, and it sounds like a grand line-up, wouldn’t you say? And it was – despite the somewhat unseasonal weather.

With four million visitors and over 300 rides, Rheinkirmes is not just the largest funfair on the Rhine – it’s also packed full of crowds. It makes you want to try everything. The adrenaline junkies among us got a real treat with a super-large chain carousel giving a stunning view from 90 metres up, and with the Free Fall Tower treating us to breakneck-speed descents after enjoying an equally impressive view! Naturally, the renowned Wild Mouse ride was another must. For those of us who prefer things a bit quieter (and more ground-level), the ghost train offered a perfect mix of scares and fun.

But what would a funfair be without the opportunity to gorge oneself to excess? True to form, the culinary delights were all there too: lángos, Belgian fries, slush puppies and other delicacies – simply great. And anyone who knows us is also aware of the importance of chocolate in our lives, so we always have room for the obligatory chocolate-covered fruit-on-a-stick!

To round things off, the evening saw us in the marquee for local beer straight from the cask and some great live music to round off a perfect day for the gang. Even the bad weather couldn’t spoil it!