Big bang for the Ruhr Park rebranding
Happy Birthday, Ruhr Park! Or should we say: Westfield Ruhr Park! To mark the 60th anniversary at this iconic Bochum destination, we’re not just throwing a huge party, we’re also giving it also a new name. With immediate effect, it also features the Westfield name, making it one of three flagship Westfield destinations in Germany – alongside Westfield Centro and Westfield Hamburg-Überseequartier. Together, these centres are setting new standards in shopping, hospitality, lifestyle and leisure.
And wherever there’s a party, the Gang’s never far away. In fact, we’ve got big plans for the major rebranding event on 26 September 2024: from 18:30 hrs onwards visitors can enjoy a colourful stage programme featuring a well-known German artist as star guest (we’re not yet allowed to say who, but let’s just say you should bring your dancing shoes). Of course, we’ll also be paying tribute to the heritage of the Ruhr heartland and its people – the home of Westfield Ruhr Park – so get ready for an emotional finale!
Accompanying the rebranding will be the “Shopping Days” from 26 to 28 September, with a whole series of sensational attractions including a Mosaic Wall with 1,000 photos of visitors, a social vending machine where social-media-savvy players can win lots of cool prizes, the Dry Surfer “dry wave” for all sports enthusiasts and, of course, a Kids’ Zone. In addition, popular children’s songwriter Martin Pfeiffer will be giving three of his sing-along concerts in the centre on Saturday.
As you can see, we’re really pulling out all the stops for the rebranding of our new flagship destination. We can’t wait for the event, and we’re also really looking forward to following it up with loads of unique brand promotions at Westfield Ruhr Park!