
Volvo brings new electric fleet to Vienna | Westfieldrise

Volvo brings new electric fleet to Vienna

  • Long-term presence
  • Comprehensive information offering
  • Personal advice and guidance

Volvo is electrifying Vienna’s shopping centres with its innovative new fleet of electric vehicles (EVs). The Swedish car brand is using a unique presentation campaign to exhibit its brand new range of EVs at Westfield Donau Zentrum and Westfield Shopping City Süd. And not just once: in fact, as part of the brand experience, Volvo will be immersing itself in the vibrant atmosphere of shopping destinations for five days at a time from mid-March to the beginning of June, inspiring visitors with innovative technology, elegant design and sustainable mobility.

Brand new EV fleet to see, feel and touch

At the campaign kick-off at Westfield Donau Zentrum on 18 March, visitors were treated to a threefold Volvo experience as three brand new all-electric models – the XC40, the XC60 and the EX30 – graced the Arena Plaza event area. Curious guests were able to find out in detail about the EVs in the characteristic Scandinavian design style of this traditional brand, and also learn how they can fulfil their dream of environmentally friendly driving on optimum terms.

Volvo is also causing a sensation at Westfield Shopping City Süd where an XC40 sits enthroned on the Water Plaza, attracting attention. Five times over the course of the campaign, visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of Volvo electromobility and obtain advice from the experts. And who knows? Maybe some combustion engine enthusiasts will also be won over by the powerful Volvo models.

Futuristic design combined with sustainability

Response to the first promotions has already been extremely up-beat, with customers flocking to the Volvo stands, fascinated by the futuristic exterior and the minimalist but extremely high-quality interior design of the Swedish brand (everything is made from renewable and recycled materials). It’s already clear that the presentation campaign is proving to be a total success, underlining Volvo’s growing popularity in the field of electromobility, and with large numbers availing themselves of the advice and guidance on offer.

The combination of eye-catching product presentation, comprehensive customer advice and attractive surroundings makes the Volvo campaign an unforgettable experience, and not just for car enthusiasts and the environmentally conscious either. Volvo’s inspiring brand experience also fits perfectly with the CSR goals of the Westfield centres and the “Better Places 2030” sustainability strategy.

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